
The best thing my parents taught me was to read. The best thing my first husband taught me was to travel. What a combination! As an adult I discovered reading on vacation was the epitome of self-indulgence. My favorite reads were and still are fiction. Escaping into an author’s dream world forced my mundane life into the background.

I’ve kept a diary since before bound books and rarely miss a day of entering something. One day my insides simmered and then boiled into a story that had to be told. The words finally cooked up into a novel not fit for category romance. The editor told me it was too mainstream, too explicit.

Explicit? thinks I. Okay, so maybe there weren’t any shafts of hot steel or womanly cores, but come on, who the hell really has those?

Like every other writer, I was sure if I hadn’t at least written the Great American Novel it was in the top two. Shocked but not disillusioned I turned to my mentor, mystery writer Beth Anderson. She took me by the hand and taught me the technicals of writing and how to bring out my voice, loud and clear. Plus she’s got this two by four with lots of rough edges and has no problem wielding it across my bony backside. Hmm, sounds like the start of a new novel.

We were soon joined by Yasmine Phoenix who can spot a scene that needs more sexual tension and how to do it faster than I can reach for another Fanny May. She also tortured me to take an online class with Jan Springer, the Queen of Hot, who encouraged me to be more serious about a God given gift. Erotica here I come, no pun intended.

From Jan’s class, several of us formed what has become the Brazen Vixens group. So if you’re Fixin for a Vixen check out the links page for some of the hottest authors you’ll ever read.

Through all these patient and talented people life has become sweet. Now I have the best of all worlds, writing erotic romance set in exotic foreign countries.

I’m a member of RWA and proudly hold PRO status. Chicago-North, Love Designers, and Passionate Ink are the three chapters I belong to. For several years I’ve reviewed new releases for Rendezvous and now Passionate Ink. You can read some of them under the Review link. I also hosted Vacations Can Be Fun, a weekly travel show on cable TV.

Under the name Sharon Chafin the in-flight magazine, Successful Attitudes, has printed my many travel articles. I’ve also written the booklet, “117 Tips for Stress Free Travel”. Send me an email to receive a free copy. Don’t worry, your address will not be passed along.

I was born and raised in Chicago then lived in Houston for two years with my first husband. A second marriage brought me back to the Midwest where I’ve remained to be close to my wonderful daughter and her terrific family. Not too proud, am I? Every possible moment is spent with Studly DooRight, my mate for the remainder of my life, either at our home in Lansing, IL or our weekend cottage in Highland, IN. I love to cook for them whenever they’ll let me and I love to hear from you all the time. Email me.