She Did It Again!!

February 16, 2006 | Hot Damn

More good news to share with all of you. Sherrill Quinn has received another, yes – another contract for a new story. Torrid Press is printing her new story this coming winter. CONGRATULATIONS, Sherrill!

Now you all have to head over to for all her great news and a hot blog.

I’ll be back Tuesday and we’ll continue with editing. Our topic will be Show, Don’t Tell.

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3 Responses to “She Did It Again!!”

  1. For The Trees Says:

    GRRRR. Now I have to wait until friggin’ TUESDAY!! Well, so I have to wait. Seems like I’m ALWAYS waiting on some woman. Might as well learn to like it, it ain’t gonna change.

    Just because you have a life, Sloane, is no reason to deny us readers the benefit of your experience…


  2. Sherrill Quinn Says:

    Thanks again, Sloane. I’m floating. Float-ing.

  3. Sloane Says:

    Forrest, sorry you have to wait but my life is still tied up with this bullshit check fraud. I’ve discovered that at least three banks in Inidana are having this problem.

    Sherrill, you keep floating, doll. Cherish it, it’s a grand feeling.