A Woman’s Work Is Never Done

May 5, 2006 | It's All About Writing

This week I am participating in Passionate Ink’s BIAW which started last Sunday. For those of you aren’t familiar with the term BIAW, it means you write a Book In A Week. No easy feat for a procrastinator like me.

The writer commits to a number of words, in my case 8,000, and logs their daily production into the group database. Here it is Friday and I feel I should be committed, not to a word count either. During this week from hell, everything and anything that could go wrong, did.

Not that I didn’t have fun, far from it. The day was spent with my two energetic granddaughters. What a pair! They can think of more events for this lazy grandma than colors in the jumbo Crayola box.

Production – zip.

A was truly a horrid day. Enough said about that because I don’t ever want to relive it. Although the evening was great. Studly decided I needed to focus. Truer words, and all that. He came up with a plan I felt I could live with – every Tuesday evening we would meet for one hour and discuss my progress. Later that evening our critique group met and helped me do some basic plotting on my new novel.

Production – zip.

I was finally inspired to write. It really felt good to get back into the story. After dinner Studs and I had our little talk. We agreed I needed to produce 1000 words a day, seven days a week and email him every morning with my previous day’s word count. This is doable. In case you haven’t figured it out, I have zero discipline.

Production – 955 words.

Life is getting good here. My favorite son-in-law, okay he’s my only SIL, started a new job. I was needed to watch the girls for a couple of hours in the late afternoon. Banged my little fingers on the keyboard like crazy in the morning to reach my quota.

Production – 1225 words

My daughter asked me to tag along, I love being needed, to walk through a house they’re interested in buying. No problem. It took just short of two hours and I was back at the keyboard. Studs agreed to give me an extra two hours to work at the end of the day because of playing hooky earlier.

Production – 2005 words.

I’m writing whirlwind today. Even doing errands this morning I was jotting notes on any scrap of paper I could dig out of my purse. WOOHOO!! Things are starting to happen. Lonnie and Wolfe met, are hot for each other, and fighting it all the way.

Monday stop on back if you have the time and I’ll let you know how the BIAW ended.

Have a great week-end!

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5 Responses to “A Woman’s Work Is Never Done”

  1. Sherrill Quinn Says:

    Sloane, you go, girl! What terrific productivity you’ve got going. Good luck today. 🙂

  2. Sloane Says:

    Thank you, Ms. Quinn. Your support is well appreciated.

  3. T.A. Chase Says:

    That’s great production, Sloane. When I’m really into a story, I try to get 2000 words a day in. Most of the time I don’t but then I have awesome days like you’ve had and they make up for the slow days. 🙂

  4. Sloane Says:

    Thanks for the boost, T.A.

    I’m still searching for those awesome days. lol. I think the problem is I’m not happy with my plotting and it’s bogging me down. But as someone very famous once said, “This too shall pass.” Quickly, I hope.

  5. Jake O. Says:
