Come On Down

October 12, 2006 | Promotion

to Coffee Time Romance and Coffee Thoughts at All this week I’m blogging with Bonnie, one very cool Brew Mistress. So grab a cup of your favorite beverage and join us.

Not only are we discussing four books in the Magnificent Men of Munich series, but any question you have is fair game and I vow to answer honestly. Check it out and let us know what you think.

See over at Coffee Time!

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2 Responses to “Come On Down”

  1. Gabrina Says:

    I never knew you did themes for Christmas. That’s awesome! I want to know if you ever had a theme people wanted you to do again or that people didn’t like at all. Then I want to know if you’ll add one more person to your family. LOL.

  2. Sloane Says:

    You and your kiddies are always welcome along with your hunk of a husband.

    They like Italian. My friends are not adventurous. And they draw the line at Asian which I’m glad because the amount of dishes would kill my pocketbook!