Priming the Muse

February 3, 2025 | Author Friend Promo

from C.D. Hersh

Have you ever used a news story as a starting point for your writing?

Here’s an interesting idea to get your brain pumping in the new year. Several years ago, medical ethicist Art Caplan told CNN that an invitro fertilization procedure using DNA from three different people may be able to prevent illnesses passed from mother to child via the mitochondria, diseases like muscular dystrophy and respiratory problems, or mitochondrial disorders that can lead to heart or liver problems.

The technology, called oocyte modification, involves scooping out potentially mutated mitochondrial DNA from a woman’s egg and replacing it with the DNA of an unaffected donor woman. By doing this the hope is that the transmission of inherited mitochondrial disease can be prevented. Once the DNA is swapped, the egg is fertilized in the lab with the father’s sperm and implanted back in the mother to be carried to term.

Caplan believes that this procedure, often nicknamed three-parent IVF, will be useful in preventing diseases that can be passed down from generation to generation and would be ethical as long as it proves to be safe. We’re all for preventing diseases, but messing with our DNA could potentially be disastrous, in our humble opinion.

The writer in us however, started constructing scenarios the minute we read this, not the least of which has to do with what one could do using this technology for the opposite of good. Before we go any further in this idea exercise, we must emphasize that any scenarios we list here are purely from our imaginations, and not something that the creators of this procedure have planned. We are not saying we believe this is right or wrong, and we are not inviting comments or opinions about the ethicalness of this subject. This is merely an exercise in how to take an idea or news clip and turn it upside down to create a fiction story.

So, without any further disclaimers, here are some interesting concepts we came up with from reading this article.

• Stepford Children, based on the Stepford Wives movie concept; perfect mothers and housekeepers who bent to every whim of their husbands. You remember that creepy story from the 60s? Ooh, what could go horribly wrong?
• The unintentional creation of a new disease from the combining of three parental sets of DNA. Think Zombie War here or I am Legend, but different.
• A realignment of the basic family concept. Lots of room for conflict there. It takes two females and one male for this procedure. If you changed the basic family unit, the poor child would have two moms nagging him to clean his room, find a wife, get a job. You get the idea. And we won’t even mention the polygamous adult relationships in this complication.
• When you can create the perfect child, what happens to the rest of the children who didn’t get that chance to be created perfectly? Would there be a rag tag population who live in a dystopian setting on the border of the perfect children and their perfect three parent families in their perfect world?

These are only four possible story scenarios we came up with using a controversial news clip as a jumping off point. We challenge you to go find your own interesting news article and come up with some new twists using the basic concept of the story. If this helped you see how to use the news to create a book idea, please let us know.
We’d love to hear from you.

Putting words and stories on paper is second nature to co-authors C.D. Hersh. They’ve written separately since they were teenagers and discovered their unique, collaborative abilities in the mid-90s. As high school sweethearts and husband and wife, Catherine and Donald believe in true love and happily ever after, and that’s why they write romance.

In addition to writing Catherine and Donald love antiquing, traveling, singing, and going to the theatre. Catherine is also an avid gardener and has drawn Donald into her garden as a day laborer. They figure the couple who plays together and works together, stays together—and that’s just what they aim to do.

Second Editions Coming Soon:

Ghosts and Gardenias

The Promised One The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 1
Blood Brothers The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 2
Son of the Moonless Night The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 3
The Mercenary and the Shifters The Turning Stone Chronicles Book 4

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3 Responses to “Priming the Muse”

  1. 스포츠중계사이트 Says:

    국대티비에서 스포츠중계를 실시간으로 감상하세요.

  2. 탑플레이어포커머니상 Says:

  3. AmandaEngeby3 Says:

    Can you guess what I’m craving right now? –

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