Archive for 2006

June 5, 2006 | Characters

Hi Everyone!

Today I’m over at . Come on over and meet David, the first hero in The Magnificent Men of Munich series.

Don’t forget to enter today’s contest! You could be one of two to win bars of honey soap, a bath scrubby, and a free copy of TEDDI TURNS ON. The winners will be announced on Tuesday’s blog.

Have a great day,

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| Characters

Hi Everyone!

Today I’m over at . Come on over and meet David, the first hero in The Magnificent Men of Munich series.

Don’t forget to enter today’s contest! You could be one of two to win bars of honey soap, a bath scrubby, and a free copy of TEDDI TURNS ON. The winners will be announced on Tuesday’s blog.

Have a great day,

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June 2, 2006 | Contests

Thank you all for entering the contest. The number of people who signed up was overwhelming so we couldn’t go with just two winners. Instead we decided to pull seven names!

And the winners are;

Carol Morgan
Sharon Lucas
Pat W.
Tami Bates
Jenny Carney
Linda Bass
Little Lamb Lost

Ladies, if you will please email me at with your name and address I’ll get your prizes mailed. Your free copy of Teddi Turns On will be sent to the email address you used to enter.

For those of you already entered, your names are still eligible for the drawings on June 5 and 8.

Thank you all for sharing in the celebration!



HELLO June!!!!!

June 1, 2006 | Contests

This is the month. Is today the day? I can’t stand the suspense. The isn’t a nail left on my fingers. Every few minutes I click onto but I’m still listed as Coming Soon. Let me tell you, soon can’t come fast enough. I need to occupy my mind.

Let’s talk contest. Today are the first drawings in my Celebration Contest. If you aren’t signed up, please do so. On June 1, 5, and 8 I’ll draw two names. Each person wins 2 bars of the honey soap featured in Teddi Turns On along with a shower scrubby and a free copy of the book. The winners will be announced on this blog the morning following the drawings. There is no cost to you and I’ll ship anywhere in the world so join the fun.

Now I really have to go. It’s time to click onto the Triskelion website, just in case.

Have a great day,



May 31, 2006 | Family

Sloane Taylor here with some fantastic news. I am so proud of my beautiful daughter that I have to brag.

My little girl, my baby, got accepted to participate in the Montessori program and become certified as a Director for preschool kiddies. Is that cool or what?!?

An intense summer program begins in a few short weeks then in the fall “B” will be interning, and she already has a school that wants her permanently.

“B” is a brilliant woman who loves small children and has always excelled in school. Hmm, she sure would kill me if I told you her GPA was very impressive or that she was on the Dean’s List every semester, so I’d better not mention any of that.

Sometimes life hasn’t always been great. I could have lived without her teenage years and I know “B” could have lived without my menopause. But you see, here’s the really important thing; we overcame those small moments in time. Today we have a good relationship based on trust and love.

May you all share a wonderful experience with your children and celebrate their lives as I am today.


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And the Countdown Begins!

May 23, 2006 | Contests

My calendar is high-lighted with a huge heart on June 1. This is the potential date for TEDDI TURNS ON to be released. To celebrate this personal victory, we’ve set up a contest on my website. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.

On June 1, 5, and 8 two winners will be drawn. The prizes are two bars of the honey soap featured in TTO, a cute bath scrubby, and a free copy of the book.

The winners will be announced daily and the prizes will be sent any where in the world. Be sure to sign up!

Good luck,


ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 12, 2006 | Characters

And the crowd goes wild as the hunky announcer in his form fitting tuxedo struts around the ring.

“In this corner,” he said, waving to his right, “We have the Mentor, weighing in at 123 pounds.”

With a sharp turn to his left, “And in this corner, the Lover, weighing in at 215 pounds.

And the crowd goes wild.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you, is this a fair match? The announcers think not.”

The boxers approach the center of the ring, each confident their opinion is accurate and prepared to give it their best shot.

While the referee is issuing the rules of the match our internet announcers will tell us the qualifications of each contender.

Lonnie: “The Mentor, Beth Anderson, is an award-winning, bestselling author, who writes suspense / murder mysteries. She has taught our Author, Sloane, everything she knows. The odds are in the Mentor’s favor 3 to 1.”

Wolfe: “Very true, Lonnie, but the Lover, Studly Dooright, is a man and let me point out – a man’s man. We can not discount his experience of living in a man’s body for 50 years.”

Lonnie: “That’s one good reason why he’ll lose this match. The other is that the Lover reads only non-fiction. As a Marine, Studs is partial to any military-type books and movies. It’s not looking good for him.”

Wolfe: “You forget Lonnie, the Mentor is not a romance writer. The gossip around the locker room is that she does not feel qualified to advice on this particular novel.”

Lonnie: “It’s the same for the Lover. He wants to see this book written, hopefully before deadline. He’s given our little Author a daily quota of 1,000 words, seven days a week, and still expects her to follow through on her other obligations. An impossible task if she can’t get this first scene down to her satisfaction. Or for the contenders either, I’d like to add.”

Wolfe: “Sloane has to work harder. No procrastination, as is her normal practice. Both the Mentor and the Lover know she has it in her. They support her all the way.”

Lonnie: “She does work hard! But phone calls, emails, and daily life keep dragging her out of the story.”

Wolfe: “Stop looking at it from a feminine point of view. She has to let all that go. Set priorities. This book is more important. For God’s sake, woman, it is our story and must be written.”

Lonnie: “Now you’re being a typical male and losing sight of what this match is all about.”

Sloane: “Stop it! You two “characters” aren’t helping the situation. I’ll grant this is your story. Do you want the damned thing told right or just thrown out there?”

Lonnie and Wolfe yell together: “Of course we want it down right!”

Wolfe: “It is our one chance to be heard in this world before we’re tucked on some shelf for eternity.”

Sloane: “Then shut up and listen to the contenders.”

The three people turn back to the ring with earnest anticipation.

Mentor: “If she’s going to write an action scene in a male point of view, then she has to let Wolfe tell what he sees.”

Wolfe whispering into the microphone says: “The Mentor knows what she is talking about.”

Lonnie and Sloane: “SHUT UP!”

Lover: “I agree. But now the scene is so scary that the only resolution is for the car to go over the cliff. That leaves very little choice for erotica to follow on the heels of a flaming car. And she’s making Wolfe look like a Klutz, with all that slipping and sliding. He’s strong and should be portrayed as such”

Mentor: I know it’s hard to get his personality to take over the scene, but I didn’t teach her writing was easy. It’s a damn tough business and if she doesn’t get it right she’ll be labeled a hack.”

Lover: “Hey, my baby is not a hack so don’t go that route.” The Lover shakes his head. “It is a lot harder to write than I thought. But she’s good at it.”

Wolfe: “What is going on out there?”

Lonnie: “It looks like the ring girls are carrying a table and two chairs to the center of the ring.”

Wolfe: “This is certainly unprecedented. Am I seeing correctly? The Mentor and Lover are shaking hands? NO! The Lover is quiting?”

Lonnie: “You pompous Alpha – he’s not caving. Look again. They’re in a deep discussion. Wait! The ring girl is bringing them a copy of the scene and two blue pencils.”

Wolfe: “NO! They’re going to edit us!”

Lonnie: “Be patient. Don’t forget the Author has the last say.”

Wolfe: “I am going out there.”

Lonnie: “Wolfe, I don’t think that’s a good idea. They look like they don’t want to be interrupted. Their heads are together as if they are collaborating.”

Wolfe: “They have called over the referee. He’s going to make an announcement.”

Lonnie: “Oh my, this must be serious. The Mentor and the Lover have their gloves off and are shaking hands.”

Announcer: “Ladies and gentlemen, the Mentor and the Lover have reached an agreement without throwing a punch. The have decided the Author is the true winner if she does four major changes to the scene;

1. Keep it in Wolfe’s POV – seeing and hearing only what he does – no author intrusion.
2. Remove all the sexy bits – not even one hint – until they are driving down the mountain .
3. Have Wolfe realize the scene is not as life threatening as it is now written.
4. Follow through on his true character and lose the the Three Stooges aspect.

And the crowd goes wild with applause.

The Lover throws his arm around the Mentor’s shoulder as they walk a neutral corner.

Lover: “How about a going for a drink and we can discuss that scene in chapter five that’s been nagging me more than the Author?”

Mentor: “Sounds good. Then let’s take a look at the restaurant scene. The Author is soooo unprepared. Who goes out to eat without money?”

The Lover holds up the rope for the Mentor to slip under then waves to Lonnie and Wolfe.

Lover: “Would you two like to come along? We could use your input.”

Lonnie and Wolfe hastily excuse themselves and run to catch up to the Mentor and Lover.

Sloane: “Hello! I’m the one with the car keys!”


May 8, 2006 | It's All About Writing

The Passionate Ink BIAW ended better than I had hoped. Friday I was ecstatic to post my accomplishment as 2082 words. It was a struggle at times, but I did it. My goal was 8000 words and I surpassed it by 14. Not a world record, I know, but damn I feel good about.

My new novel has direction, strong sexual tension, and two characters I am falling in love with. Don’t worry, Studs, you’ll always be number one. Does anyone have an opinion as to when they should make love for the first time? Should it be love? Or should they get down and dirty?

Today the writing has been so due to other unavoidable commitments. My calendar is clear for the rest of the week and I will produce!

Have a great week and I’ll be back Friday!

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| It's All About Writing

The Passionate Ink BIAW ended better than I had hoped. Friday I was ecstatic to post my accomplishment as 2082 words. It was a struggle at times, but I did it. My goal was 8000 words and I surpassed it by 14. Not a world record, I know, but damn I feel good about.

My new novel has direction, strong sexual tension, and two characters I am falling in love with. Don’t worry, Studs, you’ll always be number one. Does anyone have an opinion as to when they should make love for the first time? Should it be love? Or should they get down and dirty?

Today the writing has been so due to other unavoidable commitments. My calendar is clear for the rest of the week and I will produce!

Have a great week and I’ll be back Friday!

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| It's All About Writing

The Passionate Ink BIAW ended better than I had hoped. Friday I was ecstatic to post my accomplishment as 2082 words. It was a struggle at times, but I did it. My goal was 8000 words and I surpassed it by 14. Not a world record, I know, but damn I feel good about.

My new novel has direction, strong sexual tension, and two characters I am falling in love with. Don’t worry, Studs, you’ll always be number one. Does anyone have an opinion as to when they should make love for the first time? Should it be love? Or should they get down and dirty?

Today the writing has been so due to other unavoidable commitments. My calendar is clear for the rest of the week and I will produce!

Have a great week and I’ll be back Friday!