Gazing into the Crystal Ball

March 23, 2007 | Interviews

ST: Good morning! We’re on our last day so please tell us what does the future hold for you, Mary Alice?

MAP: I’ve set up a plan for writing and ultimately, I want to write full time and do the occasional nursing to keep my feet wet. I enjoy nursing. It’s good fodder for the creativity, you know. But, I want to write and plan to be able to do it full time within four years, if not sooner.

ST: How did you and Triskelion Publishing come together?

MAP: A very good friend from my RWA Chapter, Melanie Atkins, writes for them and she encouraged me to submit to them. So, I pitched at last year’s Romantic Times Convention and they asked to read my manuscript. I’m totally excited to be with them!

ST: What’s in the works for the future?

MAP: Besides the Unfinished Business Trilogy, I have four other books started I will be finishing over the next six months and hope to have at least three of them accepted by the end of the year.

One is a contemporary single title and two are paranormal shape shifter manuscripts I can’t wait to get back into. I also have another romantic suspense in the works and a medical romance I’d like to get back to soon. Just watch my blog, and my website for more information on these and I’ll be having some short stories up after I get back from the Romantic Times Convention at the end of April.

ST: I can’t wait to read them. Thank you, May Alice, for spending so much time with us. It’s been a great week and I’ve enjoyed learning more about you. The very best to you in the future and keep us posted on your new releases.

MAP: Thanks so much for having me and I’ve had a great time.

ST: Thank you all for stopping by. I’ll be back next with and until then…

Happy Writing,

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