Author, Author, Tell Us more
June 20, 2007 | Interviews
ST: Good morning! Cindy, let’s show everyong your great cover for BELTAINE BARGAIN from Wild Rose Press.

ST: Are there any quirks you have or do before or while you’re writing?
CSP: Not really. Caffeine is good, music is good, (the louder and faster the better.) But I really can write anywhere, as long as I’m not too stressed out. That’s the only thing that makes it hard.
ST: Who or what encouraged you to write and especially erotica?
CSP: Ummm-I I’m just getting started with the erotica. My editor from Ellora’s cave/Cerridwen Press has been a big booster in that area. And my husband really wants me to focus in that area. He regularly offers to help with the research. LOL Seriously, he’s been great at giving me the pushes I need to get going. And my father and in-laws are also fantastic.
ST: Where do you get the ideas for your novels?
CSP: There’s no real answer to that one. Life, movies, dreams, whatever. They just sort of ooze together somehow.
ST: How do you research your books?
CSP: However I need to. Internet is great, you don’t even have to leave your chair. And I have no problem asking fellow authors if I know they’re experts in a certain field. Failing that, I have a well-worn library card.
ST: Who is your support group?
CSP: Husband, Kids, Father, In-laws. After that, I have a wonderful local RWA chapter, and I honestly wouldn’t be here without them. Now that I’m published, I’ve developed a vast network of on-line friends from each of my publishers, and that is probably the coolest thing yet, other than getting to hold a book with my name on it.
ST: Thank you again, Cindy, for chatting today.
CSP: I enjoy it. See you in the morning!
ST: Until then…
Happy Writing!
Hey Cindy (And Hi to you, too, Sloane!)
On June 20th, 2007 at 9:21 amFast music, huh? If you and I were in thne same room writing I guess the walls would vibrate. But it sure shows in your writing. I have yet to read a Cindy Sopencer Pape offering that didn’t capture my attention from start to finish.Guess that fast music really works! And how great that you have such a strong support system. I want to tell evryone out there to hurry and buy your books. They’re in for a real treat.
What another great installment of Cindy’s interview.
I’m glad to hear you have such a supportive family, hun.
No wonder you rock!
On June 20th, 2007 at 3:48 pm