Archive for 2007

There’s a Mouse in that House

November 3, 2007 | Family

Today is the day! We’ve been planning this trip for one full year and the time has finally come for the whole fan damily to head for Orlando and Mickey. The four little kids are so excited they couldn’t sleep last night. Of course the eight adults had no problem. NOT!

See you all in about ten days. Until then…

Happy Writing,

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Gazing into the Crystal Ball

November 1, 2007 | Interviews

ST: Welcome back, Lucynda. Tell us, what does the future hold for you?
LS: I have absolutely no idea other than more writing and editing and doing things with my family.

ST: If you had one wish that would be granted, what would it be?
LS: That there would be no suffering of any kind in the world.

ST: How did you and your publishers come together?
LS: I submitted to Loose Id on the recommendation of Lena Austin. I love my editor, Raven McKnight, and the partners have treated me well and as a professional. My other publisher is Aspen Mountain Press, a company I founded based on the shining example of Loose Id.

ST: What’s in the works for the future?
LS: I’ve another cop story I’m working on and some short paranormals for a series at Aspen Mountain Press called Del Fantasma. And then, there is another series that features a castle in Ireland (one of my favorite places!) that has been turned into a bed and breakfast. There will be more fantasy stories too.

ST: Thanks, Lucynda, for spending so much time with us. You’ve been great. I’ve enjoyed learning more about you. The very best to you in the future and keep us posted on your new releases.
LS: Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to share with your readers. There are a lot of fine authors and companies out there and I’m so fortunate to be rubbing elbows with them.

ST: Be sure to check out Aspen Mountain Press for excellent reading material. I’ll be back in the morning. Until then…

Happy Writing!

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Author, Author, Tell Us More

October 31, 2007 | Interviews

ST: Good morning, Lucynda, please describe your writing space.
LS: Cluttered, terribly cluttered.

ST: What’s your favorite part of writing?
LS: Brainstorming and actually putting the words down.

ST: What do you absolutely hate about being an author?
LS: Hmm. Being interrupted, people thinking it is easy to write any novel length fiction from beginning to end.

ST: In your opinion what’s the most important thing for a new writer to learn?
LS: That you must finish.

ST: Your website is cool. I recommend everyone cruise over to and check it out. How did you decide on the content and design?
LS: Well, the tag “Cynfully Sweet, Cynfully Sexy” came to me and then I found the candy heart background. Although, I need to update it to something a little, um, more.

ST: Please tell us about your blog and how you decide what to write.
LS: First, I have two blogs: and
I try to make it related to writing, although sometimes other things come to be that I feel passionately about.

ST: We’ll be back tomorrow with more from Lucynda. Until then…

Happy Writing!

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The Write Side of Life

October 30, 2007 | Interviews

ST: We’re back with Lucynda Storey and anxious to know what made you decide to be a writer?
LS: I’ve always loved reading and writing and wanted a chance to tell my own stories.

ST: How long have you been writing?
LS: I started playing around with writing and telling stories when I was a toddler. I got serious about eight years ago.

ST: Do you find writing to be fulfilling? And in what way?
LS: Yes, I do. I get very frustrated if I don’t get to put pen to paper in some fashion. It gives me a chance to expend my creative energy. I believe everyone has a talent that they are creative with and mine is writing. Writing makes me incredibly happy.

ST: What’s a normal day like for you?
LS: It seems like every year my normal day changes. These days it is up early, answer critical emails, critique or edit, write for an hour, then back to editing, then if I’m lucky, another hour in the evening. Throw in meetings, volunteering in the community, working with the local police department and attending classes and I end up being very busy.

ST: With your busy life how do you find time to write?
LS: I make it. It would be too easy for writing to slip off the schedule with other things to do that might be considered “more important”. If I don’t mesh writing into my daily schedule, I make myself stay up late or get up early for at least an hour. And, very little television (other than Bones, House, 24 and Heroes).

ST: Are there any quirks you have or do before or while you’re writing?
LS: You mean like lighting candles or listening to music? Nope, none. I do like it quiet, so if there is too much commotion in the office area of my home, I’ll go to the bedroom and write there.

ST: Who or what encouraged you to write erotica?
LS: LENA AUSTIN without a doubt. I remember sitting with her at a meeting and telling her I just couldn’t write what she did. She laughed at me in her very Lena way and told me it was easy…just write your fantasies.

ST: Where do you get the ideas for your novels?
LS: Dreams, real life, the newspaper, things I experience.

ST: How do you research your books?
LS: I would love to be able to tell you “personally”, but that is a fantasy. I do a lot of research on the Internet, book dive for information on specific topics (I got really great stuff on pirates including scholarly works), and talk to the people who hold the jobs my characters have.

ST: Who is your support group?
LS: I do BIAW (Book in a Week) with Passionate Ink, as well as my local RWA chapter Heart of Denver Romance Writers. Cher Gorman, Lizzie Leaf, Lena Austin, Kim Woolidge and Sue Viders are my critique partners.

ST: You have more energy then I could ever hope for!
LS: And I love every minute of it. lol. I have to run. See you in the morning.

ST: Until then…

Happy Writing!


Author Lucynda Storey Tells All

October 29, 2007 | Interviews

ST: Hi, Lucynda Storey, welcome and thank you for visiting with us this week.
LS: Thanks for having me Sloane.

ST: Tell us about yourself.
LS: Gee, that’s a tough one. lol I grew up in the Air Force, so I traveled a lot as a kid. The travel bug bit me young and I love to go to new places. Many serve as settings in my stories.

ST: Your latest novel, The Collector 7: This Time Forever, is out. Let’s show everyone your gorgeous cover.

ST: It looks to be an exciting, hot read. Please tell us about it.
LS: A terminally ill woman is thrust back in time to the pirate ship of the man she’s fantasized about since she first read his journal. He has been searching for the reincarnation of his deceased wife and instead finds a modern talking woman with an attitude in his cabin.

ST: How did you come up with the story line?
LS: I knew I wanted to do a pirate story after I saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie. But, I also knew there were a lot of women here and now who thought Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow was hot. Hmm. How do we get a modern woman to a character like Jack? That started me off and running.

ST: Sounds great. Where and can we buy The Collector 7: This Time Forever?
LS: The Collector 7: This Time Forever is available at Loose Id.

ST: How many books have you written?
LS: Eight full length novels and several shorter pieces.

ST: Which is your favorite and why?
LS: That is always such a tough question to answer! I love my cops Jack Smith and Case Roberts, but then I love Rand in This Time Forever and definitely Rey in Reynardine and Tyler in Things That Go Bump in the Night. I wouldn’t have written them if they weren’t my favorite at the time.

ST: Just how hot are your books, Lucynda?
LS: They range. Some are sensual, but most are what I’d call blistering. The Captive’s Release, and Simply Irresistible are probably the two hottest works I have, although Passionate Resources: Naomi features some intense scenes using virtual reality technology, machines and a couple of sexy, horny men. lol Here’s the cover for Captive’s Release.

ST: Absolutely yummy! You also have a non-fiction work. Tell us about that.
LS: It’s a collaboration with three other authors titled 10 Steps to Creating Memorable Characters. It available from book stores and Amazon. Here’s the cover.

ST: This is definitely a book I need to buy! Thanks for coming out today, Lucynda. Can you spare time in the morning?
LS: Absolutely, I’ll be here bright and early.

ST: Until then…

Happy Writing!

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Life Just Keeps Getting Better

October 24, 2007 | Life is Good

At least for this writer it does. I am ecstatic to announce that Aspen Mountain Press has offered me another contract!

The new book is titled PHOTO OP! and is due to them by January 18, 2008. Seems like a long way off, but I know the time will pass faster than a jet on takeoff.

PHOTO OP! will run between 15,000 – 20,000 words of pure fun, love, and hot sex. I can’t wait to see the cover Aspen Mountain Press designs. They always do a breathtaking job.

The release date isn’t set yet, but I’ll be sure to keep you posted. Until then…

Happy Writing!



October 22, 2007 | General

Sometimes good things happen to people just when they need it most. You can imagine the elation I experienced when I opened an email last week from Prof. Charles C. Soludo, the Executive Governor of Nigeria, that read I’m to be awarded 10 million U.S. dollars for a construction contract that was never paid. It just blew me away. Holy Cats, Christmas would be a bonanza for my kids and Studs.

The three page email was very explicit in how I could claim my $10 million. The Governor only needed a few pieces of pertinent data, the original records had been burned in a massive fire, before a courier would appear at my door with a certified bank draft;

Full Name
Phone Number
Social Security Number
Driver’s License Number
Passport Number
Bank Name and Account Numbers

Actually, I’m surprised they didn’t ask for my bra size and dental impressions.

Obviously, you know this is a scam. Unfortunately, there are many people on the net who would willingly give out all their information because they believed this liar and his scam.

Please inform your friends and loved ones to never give information of any type to anyone without being face to face. Identity theft is a very real problem in our society. Let’s not make it easier for these scumbags to screw us over.

I’ll be back later this week with really good news! Until then…

Happy Writing!


Are you into SEXY DELIGHTS?

October 15, 2007 | Interviews

Hi All,

Join me this week at Sexy Delights where I’ll be discussing my new releases and everything else that turns me on.

Sloane Taylor
Sweet as Honey…Hotter than Hell

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I’m at it AGAIN!

October 12, 2007 | Interviews

If you have time, please check out my latest interview with Kat Bryan. She’s a fun lady and I couldn’t help but blab my heart out.

Sloane’s interview is now posted on Kat’s blog. Once you’re on her site click on “blog” at the bottom of the home page.

Be sure to check out Kat’s books. She’s an author you’ll want to read.

See you next week. Until then…

Hapy Writing!

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Look Who’s Talking!

October 6, 2007 | Interviews

Hi Everyone,

Maya Reynolds has posted a new interview with me I’d like you to check out .

While you’re there look at the Maya’s other posts. The woman has a great talent for blogging terrific info on a variety of subjects.

Happy Writing!

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